The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

16. Systems Strategies to Increase Access in Healthy Food Retail: Supply and Demand in Urban and Rural Communities

Monday, May 6, 2019, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PMOmni Atlanta Hotel, North Tower, M1, Cottonwood B Room

Increasing availability of healthy foods in small format food retail stores has many challenges in both urban and rural communities.  Possible strategies to enhance healthy food availability include working with food vendors, distributors and producers to increase healthier food procurement and sales; establishing networks of food retailers; facilitating purchasing from food hubs or creating group purchasing collectives, and more.  This session will provide examples of systems-level approaches to increasing food access in retail, drawing on expertise and experience of a national organization and from current DNPAO program recipients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the challenges, solutions, and best ways to support distribution systems for small retail healthy food access initiatives.
  2. Identify strategies to build coalitions and partnerships with multiple sectors of food retail.
  3. Learn from and discuss with fellow awardees ways in which they are approaching these strategies in innovative, sustainable ways.
  4. Address challenges, questions, and solutions for the food system strategies in the NOFO Implementation Guide.



    Kate Reddy, MS, McKing Consulting, DNPAO, CDC

    The following documents and media are related to this event: