Nita Mosby TylerPhD, MAFounder and Chief Catalyst, The Equity Project, LLC
The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials
1. Painting the Picture of Health Equity: What Does Equity Really Look Like?
Monday, May 6, 2019, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PMOmni Atlanta Hotel, North Tower, M2, International Ballrooms DEF
It is hard to advance equity if you’ve never seen it before…This breakout session is designed to give participants an opportunity to paint the picture of what health equity would look like. The interactive session includes small group discussion and visioning exercises to explore and design components of a system of equity.
Learning Objectives:
- Know criteria and components of building systems of equity.
- Understand barriers to advancing systems of equity and what to do about them.
- Be prepared to articulate what a picture/strategy/vision of health equity might look like.
April Bankston, Lead Public Health Advisor, DNPAO, CDC