The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

29. Baby Steps Lead to Big Footprints

Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PMOmni Atlanta Hotel, North Tower, M1, Redwood Room

This mini-workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on their progress in year one, identify gaps in breastfeeding support in their community and/or state, describe successes and facilitators of success, identify challenges/barriers and approaches to overcome these, and integrate lessons learned from shared learning opportunities at the National Training into Year 2- 5 activities. Participants will work in small groups facilitated by CDC and partners to explore, problem solve, and refine their work plans.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Determine whether their work plans address gaps in breastfeeding support in their community and/or state, and revise the work plans as needed to address these.
  2. Describe successes in implementing breastfeeding support activities through their work plans and identify factors that facilitated success.
  3. Identify challenges and apply learning to integrate strategies to overcome challenges in implementing breastfeeding support activities in their work plan.



    Sahra Kahin, MA, MPH, Health Scientist/Evaluator, DNPAO, CDC and Erica Anstey, PhD, Program Coordinator, McKing Consulting, DNPAO, CDC

    The following documents and media are related to this event: