The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

21. Communication on a Shoe-string Budget: Examples, Ideas, and Tips

Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PMOmni Atlanta Hotel, North Tower, M1, Redwood Room

Some people assume communication activities require a lot of money. That’s not the case! This session will provide examples, ideas, and tips from the field. SPAN, HOP, and REACH attendees will hear examples, get ideas, and share tips for planning, implementing, and evaluating communication activities with a limited budget.

Learning Objectives:

  1. List one benefit of using communication to support public health programs.
  2. Describe one low-cost approach to for communication activities.
  3. Identify two communication resources available to SPAN, HOP, and REACH programs.



    Jana Scoville, MBA, Project Director, Banyan Communications

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