The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

24. It’s Time to REACH Young Children in ECE: Let’s HOP to It!  Addressing Local-Level Needs for ECE Improvements

Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PMOmni Atlanta Hotel, North Tower, M1, Cottonwood B Room

This session is designed for HOP and REACH grantees who want to explore how best to expand their work to the early childcare education (ECE) setting to take advantage of the powerful impact ECEs have in the lives of the young children and families they serve.  Attendees will review evidence-based strategies that have been implemented in a variety of communities to improve nutrition and physical activity in ECE settings, explain how to connect community improvements in ECE to state level standards and policies, and identify key partners for engaging in ECE work at the local level. Attendees will receive a variety of helpful resources including culturally relevant ECE materials and state-specific ECE profiles.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify components of an ECE implementing evidence-based strategies to improve nutrition and physical activity.
  2. Describe how to work through ECE systems to achieve physical activity and nutrition improvements.
  3. Discuss how to integrate local level work with state system work to successfully implement standards and policies.



    Meredith Reynolds, PhD, Lead Epidemiologist, DNPAO, CDC

    The following documents and media are related to this event: