The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

Getting Buy-in to Implement Nutrition Standards at Large Institutions and with Food Service Management Companies

Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PMVirtual

Addressing food service guidelines and nutrition standards in large institutions improves nutrition for employees, visitors, and others (such as people who are incarcerated). Strategies for successful implementation at these larger institutions can serve as model examples for other worksite and community facilities. Featured recipients will describe resources and approaches to engage partners to improve and sustain healthy nutrition options in their food service venues. Speakers will share the challenges and successes experienced working with institutions and food management companies related to organizational policy and food service contracts. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet in small, interactive groups.


  1. Laura Holtrop Kohl, MS, RDN, CD Public Health Dietitian (UT SPAN) Utah Department of Health, Salt Lake City, UT
  2. Chris Mornick, MPH, RDN Nutrition Coordinator, Prevention and Community Health Washington State Department of Health, Burien, WA
  3. Michelle Wood, MPP Program Manager, Food Policy Initiatives Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe best practices to implementing and sustaining SPAN, REACH, and HOP activities related to healthy nutrition standards in large institutions
  2. Discuss challenges and successes experienced by recipients working with food management companies in these settings
  3. Describe approaches to improve and sustain healthy nutrition options through the use of organizational policy and food service contracts


Leah Maynard, PhD Epidemiologist, Healthy Food Environments Team Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC, Atlanta, GA

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