The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

Evaluation Strategy Mini-TrackTHEME: Expanding Tables: Strengthening Health Through Community Engagement

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 12:45 PM – 4:45 PMFloor 8, Peachtree Ballrooms A and C

Learning Objectives:

During this strategy track, attendees will:

  • Define community in the context of recipients’ programs.
  • Build a peer learning community among recipient evaluators.
  • Describe steps, strategies, and real-world examples to engage with the community throughout the program evaluation life cycle.


12:45 - 1:00PM. Welcome and Opening Remarks
Speaker: Terry O’Toole, PhD, MDiv Chief, Program Development and Evaluation Branch, DNPAO, CDC

1:00 - 2:00PM. Expanding Tables: Strengthening Health Through Community Engagement
Speaker: Ann Price, PhD, President and Community Psychologist, Community Evaluation Solutions

2:00 - 2:15PM. BREAK

2:30 – 3:30PM. Choose Your Own Adventure: Community Engagement Strategies
Sector Assessment and welcome
Examine our principles
How are we engaging our community?
Evaluation- Where are opportunities to include community members?
Table Hosts: DNPAO Program Evaluation Team Members
Speaker: Ann Price, PhD, President and Community Psychologist, Community Evaluation Solutions

3:30 - 3:45PM. BREAK

3:45 - 4:30PM. Group Harvesting:: What have we learned from "Choosing Your Own Adventure" - What, So What, Now What?
Table Hosts: DNPAO Program Evaluation Team Members
Speaker: Ann Price, PhD, President and Community Psychologist, Community Evaluation Solutions

4:30 - 4:45PM. Closing Remarks
Speakers: DNPAO