The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

Family Healthy Weight Programs Strategy Track: Kick-offTHEME: We Are Family

Thursday, May 9, 2024, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PMFloor 8, Peachtree Ballrooms A and C

Learning Objectives:

During this strategy track, attendees will:

  • Engage with our family: Develop connections with other Family Healthy Weight Programs (FHWP) recipients and organizations who have previously implemented FHWP for continued learning and collaboration
  • Understand the road: Expand knowledge on FHWP strategy history and relevance in public and clinical health
  • Build the foundation to advance understanding of, and generate ideas for, approaches to support FHWP implementation and sustainability
  • Build the foundation to gain new perspectives on year-1 successes and year-2 workplans that align with milestones


9:00 – 9:10AM. Welcome

  • Brianna Smarsh, MPH, RD, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Renee Porter, RN, MS, DNP, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC

9:10 – 9:35AM. Introductions and Facilitated Networking – Get to know the Family!

  • Brianna Smarsh, MPH, RD, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Renee Porter, RN, MS, DNP, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Stefanie Lynn, MS, RD, Public Health Advisor, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC

9:35 – 9:55AM. From Research to Practice: CDC Family Healthy Weight Program Journey

  • CAPT Alyson Goodman, MD, MPH, Medical Epidemiologist, US Public Health Service, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Renee Porter, RN, MS, DNP, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Carrie Dooyema, MSN, MPH, RN, Lead Health Scientist, DNPAO, CDC
  • Marissa Sucosky, MPH, Deputy Branch Chief, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC

Moderator: Thea Runyan, DrPH, MPH, Health Scientist, McKing Consulting Corporation/Veritas Management Group

9:55 – 10:05AM. Brain Warm-Up: Hopes, Dreams and Fears

  • Brianna Smarsh, MPH, RD, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Renee Porter, RN, MS, DNP, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Stefanie Lynn, MS, RD, Public Health Advisor, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Thea Runyan, DrPH, MPH, Health Scientist, McKing Consulting Corporation/Veritas Management Group

10:05 – 10:35AM. Year 1 Recap, Check-in and Activity

  • Brianna Smarsh, MPH, RD, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Renee Porter, RN, MS, DNP, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Stefanie Lynn, MS, RD, Public Health Advisor, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Thea Runyan, DrPH, MPH, Health Scientist, McKing Consulting Corporation/Veritas Management Group

10:35 – 11:05AM. BREAK

11:05 – 11:40AM. Pre-implementation Successes and Reflections – Lightning Talks
Facilitator: Caroline Pyle, MPH, Health Education Specialist, DNPAO, CDC

Lightening Talk Presenters:

1. Landscape assessment: DNPAO HOP Georgia & DDT 2320/DNPAO SPAN: North Carolina
2. Selecting best fit program: DNPAO HOP South Carolina
3. Identification of barriers & how they are being addressed: DNPAO HOP Tennessee

11:40 – 11:55AM. Breakouts, Table Talk and Report Out
Facilitator: Caroline Pyle, MPH, Health Education Specialist, DNPAO, CDC

11:55 – 12:05PM. Communication and Policy
Speaker: Marie Grucelski, Health Communications Specialist, Office of Policy, Partnership, and Communication, DNPAO, CDC

12:05 – 12:10PM. Closeout Morning Session and Housekeeping