The Training ScheduleSession details and meeting materials

Fruit and Vegetable Programs and Food Service Guidelines Strategy Track: ClosingTHEME: Gathering Around the Table—Nutrition Strategies for Good Food for All

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 2:45 PM – 5:00 PMFloor 8, Peachtree Ballrooms B and D

Learning Objectives:

During this strategy track, attendees will:

  • Have opportunities to network and engage with other recipients, organizations, and DNPAO Science Partners to support the understanding of Food Service Guidelines (FSG) and Fruit and Vegetable Programs (FVP) strategy implementation.
  • Have opportunities to troubleshoot, share resources, and get energized.
  • Have a greater understanding about recipient and partner roles in implementing and sustaining FSG and FVP activities.
  • Demonstrate and share best practices for starting and sustaining relationships with food supply chains to support FSG and FVP in SPAN, REACH, and HOP programs.
  • Demonstrate and share best practices for implementing and sustaining braiding funding to support Fruit and Vegetable Program for SPAN, REACH, or HOP programs.


2:45 – 3:35PM. Fruit and Vegetable Programs: Learning New Recipes Together to Build FVP  
Panel Discussion on Produce Prescription Implementation and Q&A Session

  • Nathalie Celestin, MPH, CHES, Food and Nutrition Security ORISE Fellow, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC
  • Aileen Tareg, DrPH, MPH, CHES, Program Associate, University of Hawaii (University of Hawaii REACH Project) 
  • Erika Hanson, JD, Clinical Instructor, Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation of Harvard Law School
  • Karen Shore, MPH, Founder and Principal, Upstream Strategies LLC
  • Melissa Akers, MPH, CPH, Director, Seligman Research Team, University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
  • Michelle Shippy, MS, RDN, Food is Medicine Director, Indiana Department of Health (SPAN Amb.-IN)

3:35 – 4:40PM. FSG and FVP: Gathering Around the Roundtable
Recipient Led Topical Roundtable Discussions and Networking
Roundtable Hosts: CDC Staff and technical assistance providers

4:40 – 5:00PM. Action Planning and Closing
Facilitator: Diane Harris, PhD, MPH, Health Scientist, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, DNPAO, CDC